We encourage all active members to contribute content to the SATA website.
NOTE – All content must be unique and submitted images must be royalty free / copyright free.
1) Create unique / valuable content for SATA members, and suggest where on the website the content should be displayed? Example – “The content is most suited to be in the Education – Case Report section of the website.”
- The content creator will provide.
- Document with the content as they would like it to be displayed.
- Location on the website they think is best suited. (See website content categories below)
- The image on their content they believe is best suited.
- A short title. 50 characters maximum.
- A short summary. 130 characters maximum.
- A full title.
- A long summary. 120 words maximum.
- NOTE – Images must be free of copyright and royalty free. Do not use images downloaded from the internet or other sources unless you own the rights to the image.
2) Submit content to: transplantanesthesiamembership@gmail.com – In the title of the email: SATA Website CONTENT. Send the content to the website content editor in Google Docs or Word document format. The content should appear on the document exactly as you would like it to appear on the website. (For example – title, subtitles and text should be easily apparent and images/graphics should be within the text as if it was the final version being printed out to show at a conference).
3) The content will be reviewed and approved by the editor prior to being submitted to the website content developer.
4) The editor will have final say where the content should be displayed.
5) Once the editor has approved and decided where the content will be on the website, then it will be submitted to the website developer with specific instructions.
a) Where will the content be displayed?
i) Remember all new content will display for some time on the home page. The question is where this content will live out its days after its time on the home page.
ii) It is possible to be in one or more categories/sub-categories
b) When should the update go “live”?
c) What image/graphic is most representative of the content?
d) Any other specific request.
SATA website categories for content are as follows:
- Announcements
- Newsletter
- Education
- Meetings / Conferences
- Lectures / Webinars
- Vanguard Lectures
- Article of the Month
- Journal Club
- Case Reports / PBLD
- Interviews
- Protocols / Guidelines
- Research
- Cardiothoracic Transplant
- Heart Transplant
- Lung Transplant
- Abdominal Transplant
- Liver Transplant
- Kidney Transplant
- Pediatric Transplant
- Quality improvement
- Registry
- Cardiothoracic Transplant
If you would like to be featured fill out the form below.