HISTORY of our Transplant Anesthesia Society
Founded in 2011, the Society for the Advancement of Transplant Anesthesia (SATA) is an independent clinician-based professional association serving the needs of anesthesiologists and critical care specialists involved in the practice of transplantation medicine and surgery. As the complex field of transplantation continues to develop rapidly, SATA seeks to advance the scope of practice and further develop the field of transplant anesthesiology. Transplant anesthesia society founders, and the first society for advancement of transplant anesthesia presidential address.
Anesthesiologists were pioneers in the field of organ transplantation. The rapid growth of the field of transplantation would have been impossible without important innovations in intraoperative patient care by anesthesiologists (1). A landmark event recognizing the importance of transplant anesthesiologists was the incorporation of guidelines by the Organ Procurement and Transplant Network/United Network for Organ Sharing defining qualifications for the Director of Liver Transplant Anesthesia in 2011 . . .
- Expanding opportunities for shared scholarship
- Develop model education and training curricula
- Professional standards and practice guidelines
- Support career development
- Develop continuing medical education activities
- Consulting services for program development
- Membership – to expand and diversify the membership base
- Nominations – to recruit and nominate candidates for elective offices in SATA
- Professional development – to improve the quality of clinical practice through the promulgation of perioperative management guidelines
- Program – to oversee content for symposia
- Publications – publication of the official Newsletter and other publications of SATA
Federation Working Group
Chair: Akila Rajakumar, MD (Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai, India)
Executive Liaisons and SATA representatives: Susan Mandell, MD, PhD (University of Colorado); Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, MHA (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)
In 2017 SATA worked with representatives from India, Europe, South Korea and the Middle East to launch the first global Federation of transplant anesthesia societies. The intent was to create closer working and collegial relationships among transplant anesthesiologists from across the globe. The Federation is home to an international joint society that aims to increase interaction among members from all global geographic areas. SATA’s, role in the Federation is to facilitate international participation by providing a temporary shell structure that the Federation can grow into. The Federation will have independent governance when the international assembly of representatives deems it has adequate resources.